Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The last movie I saw in theaters was Captain America: The
Winter Soldier. I've been a fan of all the latest Marvel Comic movies that have
been made the last 6 years. Starting with Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain
American: The First Avenger and The Avengers which brings each main character
from those movies together. These movies have really interested me with how
action packed and high grade technology they are. They aren't animation so to
be able to instill all the imagination of things that were in a comic into a
movie is just amazing. Like there’s a scene with these huge ships that are
being built, ships that would never be built in real life but they are in the
movie and the look so realistic.

This movie is directed by the Russo brothers Joe and
Anthony. Their most noteworthy film they directed is You, Me, and Dupree in
2006, staring Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson. They also have directed several
television series including Happy Endings, Up All Night, Community, and
Arrested Development in which they won an Emmy for. They are from Cleveland,
Ohio and attended Case Western Reserve University where they directed, wrote
and produced their first feature, Pieces.
Which they financed the film through student loans and credit cards. They didn't direct the first Captain America but are already signed on to direct the
third which is due out in May 2016. This movie is quiet different for the
brothers for both television and movies they mostly did comedy and drama. So to
change drastically to a extremely action packed and high special effects
was amazing.

The plot of the movie is you have Steve Rogers who is
Captain America and is basically indestructible and extremely strong. And he
struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and has to battle a new
threat from old history, the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier. I would
say the target audience for this movie is mainly guys ages 15-35 and young
females 18-25. The reason I say that is because for guys those age action
packed movies draws them in. And the females that age go with those guys to the
movies but also to see not in my words but my sisters, the “extremely attractive”
Chris Evan who plays Steve Rogers.
Overall as a 23 year old male I’m right in the middle of the
target audience and I absolutely loved the movie. The story line was awesome;
you never knew what was really going to happen next. The action was the amazing
and so realistic, and it wasn't overboard like some movies have gone lately. The
actors in the movie were just fantastic; it has a loaded cast with Chris Evans,
Scarlett Johansson, and Samuel L. Jackson. In my opinion out of all the Marvel Comic
movies that have come out recently this is right up there with the first Iron
Man which is the best of them all. You are continually on the edge of you seat
waiting to see what happens next. Some of the other Marvel’s like Thor draws
out their action scenes too long. This movie will be around for a while and I
can’t wait till the next one comes out in two years. After being in theaters
for several months it will go to DVD which for people like me I will rent it to
watch it again at a cheaper price, and then after being on DVD for a while
television channels will start showing over and over, and after that process it
will be time for the second one to be released.

On Rotten Tomatoes it is given a 89% rating. There are two
comments on here I found really great. The first by Christopher Orr of The Atlantic
says “A movie that is, in the best sense of the word, a Marvel.” The movie
truly was a marvel. The next review comes from Rafer Guzman who says "The First Avenger" was a work of art, while "The Winter Soldier" is serviceable entertainment." I love it because that's what movies are supposed to do; they are to entertain you.
I really enjoyed writing on the movie Captain American: The
Winter Soldier because I absolutely loved the movie and what others to love it
also. Through writing about the movie I got to learn more about Marvel Studios and Comics and researched what movies they have planned next. Along with
learning about the Russo brothers who went from a comedy background in TV
series to an action packed movie and did an incredible job. Now that I've seen
the movie I recommend it to my family and friends whenever they are looking for
a movie to see, and I haven’t heard anyone say they didn't enjoy it yet. So if
you haven’t seen the Captain American: The Winter Soldier I HIGHLY recommend
you do. I promise it won’t be a waste of your time of money.